"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20 (NLT)

We believe that it is our purpose to spread the Gospel of Jesus to the world. This comes in the form of Financial Support, as well as Trips and Projects

Who we support financially:
The African Leadership Institute for Community Transformation (ALICT) equips emerging Christian leaders to usher in the Spirit, principles, and work of the Kingdom of God.
Strong Harvest envisions and works towards a world in which everyone has nutritious food, clean drinking water, and economic opportunities.
Operation Mobilization is committed to creating vibrant communities of Jesus followers in reach of everyone. We financially support one such community in Israel.
The Church of God Global Strategy works towards making disciples of all nations. We currently financially support three missions teams:

Asia & the Pacific
Our "boots on the ground" projects:




The Kairos Prison Ministry is a unique mission opportunity that our team takes advantage of. These projects don't take a plane ride, mostly just a short drive to a community in desperate need of the Gospel, that may not otherwise hear it.​
Twice a year these missionaries head into the local prisons with cookies, encouragement, and the love of Jesus to share His peace.
Missions Report Videos
We don't always get the opportunity to record when our missionaries report to us the amazing things that God is doing in their mission field. But when we do get that opportunity, you'll find the videos here!
Foundation Missions
Foundation Missions

"Walking Alongside: Missions Report from the Armstrongs" (7-16-23)